Tag: lawsuit
Jurors and Justice
“Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle and fed and clothed like swine and hounds.” John Adams said this in 1774 and it may seem a bit hyperbolic. Two hundred and … Continue reading Jurors and Justice
Successful Settlement
I’m blessed to represent good people, albeit often in challenging circumstances. This lawsuit is a good example. While our firm is focused on aviation cases and government negligence, our goal is always to serve the client. We are committed to providing the best service and best results for our clients. Our clients’ goals are our … Continue reading Successful Settlement
Officer-Involved Shootings
As a plaintiff’s attorney and former prosecutor, I believe neutral and professional reviews of officer-involved shootings are best for everyone involved. Victims and their families deserve this. Officers and their colleagues deserve this. The community deserves this. Public trust depends upon this. Recently The Tacoma Weekly covered the issue, including a specific request in one … Continue reading Officer-Involved Shootings
Wrongful Death in Seattle
On March 24, 2022, our firm filed a claim against Seattle for the wrongful death of William Yurek. I represent Mr. Yurek’s adult daughter and the mother of his three minor children. Mr. Yurek’s 13-year-old son did the important things right to save his father. Seattle, unfortunately, did the important things wrong. This was a tragic … Continue reading Wrongful Death in Seattle
Lion Air Crash
Back in the U.S. after more than a month working in Jakarta and on Bangka Island in Indonesia. Lawsuit Against Boeing In January I joined a personal injury firm. Good people, good causes. We are representing a large number of family members who lost loved ones in the Lion Air crash. I will be filing … Continue reading Lion Air Crash