Working at Home

Mark Lindquist home office

After I returned from Jakarta and Tokyo in late February, I went into a 14-day quarantine because of the coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19. About the time I was ready to return to my office, life changed. One of my carryovers from the Prosecutor’s Office is Bill Bilichek’s mantra, “Do your job.” That’s what I’ve been doing. … Continue reading Working at Home

Local Safety to Global Safety

Mark Lindquist and Bret Easton Ellis

One morning I woke up in Jakarta and saw my case on the front page of The New York Times next to an article about Bret Ellis, a fine writer and friend. This was both strange and satisfying. I am honored to to be meeting, learning about, and representing many of the victim families from … Continue reading Local Safety to Global Safety

Lion Air Crash

Lawyer Mark Lindquist in Jakarta

Back in the U.S. after more than a month working in Jakarta and on Bangka Island in Indonesia. Lawsuit Against Boeing In January I joined a personal injury firm. Good people, good causes. We are representing a large number of family members who lost loved ones in the Lion Air crash. I will be filing … Continue reading Lion Air Crash